The Weekend and Party Pill for men and women

Let’s first start with the biggest misconception on earth…. that sexual enhancement pills are only for men! This is simply stupid and not true and in this blog article we gonna dive deep into this subject to make sure this misconception is out of the world for ever!

Sex Satisfied

Sex Pills are for Men and Women

In the past perhaps when the relationship between men and women was dominated by men deciding everything and paying for everything this was perhaps true that sex pills were only for men, same as sexual pleasure was mostly focussed on the men. But fortunately the human species developed into the good way and feminism had an important role in this. Now also and especially women should and want to have sexual pleasure and are no longer dominated by men – in the contrary – sometimes and in many cases women dominate men nowadays. And so with sex pills or sexual enhancement tablets this is exactly the same. Of course for sex men need to get and maintain a long hard erection to have a successful intercourse, however women also want to be very excited, wet and have multiple orgasms and sex pills do exactly that! Nowadays there is Cialis for Men and Cialis for Women so both sexes can take advantage of the unique features of this product.

What is weekend pill?

The story about the weekend pill goes back sinces more than 20 years, the founding date of Cialis by Eli Lilly and company when they discovered the unique features “tadalafil” had on the sexual performance. At that time the world was already literally getting excited from “sildenafil” in the famous Viagra from Pfizer inc from the United States, however the duration was for some sex partners a real downside. however with tadalafil the duration of working is between 36 and 48 hours which is kind of the time from Friday evening till Sunday evening… and hence that is the weekend and by these simple facts the name “Weekend Pill” started to be another name for Cialis.

Party Pills

When most people think about Party pills then they think about forbidden and dangerous hard drugs, however this is not always the case there are many party pills which are cool, easy and not forbidden… like Cialis for example. Tadalafil gives you energy, your blood is flowing better through you veins, you get excited more easily which especially important during the evening night out AND you have the confidence and power to perform in the bedroom which makes you the ultimate stallion of the evening. Nothing feels better when you see a girl you want to dance with her, your dick gets hard and you wanna fuck her and take her home and you do not have to worry about your sexual performance, because you know thanks to tadalafil/cialis you can have sex all night or weekend long with no stops!

And this is of course the same for women. Nothing better when they see a guy and they get wet immediately and want to dance and talk with him and take him home and have amazing sex and not to worry about a dry pussy or no mood. No it will be passion all night or all weekend long with multiple orgasms.

This is so good about this pill, it works good for men and for women, it works good for just sex but also for an evening out or party so it is multi functional and there is another benefit as well which we will discuss below.

Additional health benefits of tadalafil

Next to the sexual health benefits of tadalafil and the fact it is used by pornstars there are additional health benefits of using cialis. The simple fact this medications was not invented because of a sex pill, but invented as a blood pressure tablets and only after they found out it had such an amazing benefits for having sex. This simple fact makes that when you use cialis to get a long hard erection, to feel good and get confidence it also is good for your veins, blood pressure and heart! So there is really not one single reason why you should not use Cialis when you want to feel good and have good sex…. Or is there?!

The Price of Cialis

Well then there is only one downside of Cialis… the price! Eli Lilly which is the inventor of Cialis and has the patent on the brand name tries to get the maximum price out of its product and tries to sell it for between 20 and 40 usd per pill which is simply outrageous and unacceptable as the use of Cialis should be a human right for anyone on the Earth. However this is a common use by the Big Pharma to ask very high prices for simple products. Fortunately the patents of Cialis is expired and now you can order Generic Cialis for a fraction of the normal price at an online pharmacy without script. Prices range from 1-5 dollar per tablet and we gonna recommend the online pharmacy we ourselves use for more than 10 years because of their low prices and high quality generics – click here.


Tadalafil vs Sildenafil

Every men ones in his life comes for the decision which pill to take: sildenafil (viagra) or tadalafil (cialis). Of course everyone knows Viagra was the first sex pill on the market and that’s why most people start with that one, but then later on people find out Cialis works much longer. So in this article we are about to make an in depth analysis which ed pill is best and best suitable for you!

Tadalafil vs. Sildenafil Comparison


Tadalafil and sildenafil are two of the most well-known medications for treating erectile dysfunction (ED). Both drugs have a proven track record in enhancing sexual performance and are often the first choices for individuals looking to regain their ability to achieve and maintain an erection. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the key differences between tadalafil and sildenafil, exploring why tadalafil is often preferred by those seeking ED treatment.

Understanding Tadalafil and Sildenafil:

  1. Sildenafil (Viagra): Sildenafil was the first PDE5 inhibitor to be introduced, revolutionizing the treatment of ED. It works by increasing blood flow to the penis during sexual stimulation. Viagra is known for its rapid onset of action, usually within 30-60 minutes. With Generic Viagra you have an erection pill for 0.5 USD.

    viagra sildenafil
    viagra sildenafil
  2. Tadalafil (Cialis): Tadalafil is another PDE5 inhibitor that shares the same mechanism of action as sildenafil. However, tadalafil stands out for its notably longer duration of effect, earning it the nickname “the weekend pill.” It can last up to 36 hours, allowing for greater flexibility in sexual activity. With Generic Cialis you have an erection pill for 1 USD.

    Cialis Tadalafil
    Cialis Tadalafil

Why Tadalafil Is Preferred:

  1. Extended Effect: The extended duration of tadalafil is one of its most significant advantages. This long-lasting effect allows men to be more spontaneous with sexual activity, without needing to time the medication precisely before intercourse. Couples can enjoy a more natural and less pressured sexual experience.
  2. Less Need for Precision: Sildenafil typically requires a more precise timing, with the medication taken around 30 minutes before sexual activity. In contrast, tadalafil can be taken daily at a lower dose, making it ready to work whenever sexual stimulation occurs.
  3. Improved Sexual Confidence: Tadalafil’s extended window of effectiveness can boost confidence and reduce anxiety associated with ED. Men can focus on their partner and the pleasure of the moment rather than worrying about the medication’s timing.
  4. Erectile Spontaneity: With tadalafil, men can experience a more spontaneous sex life, which can be particularly appealing to couples who want intimacy to flow naturally.
  5. Less Frequent Dosing: Tadalafil can be taken daily (cialis daily) at a lower dose for continuous effectiveness. This “daily” approach has been shown to improve erectile function and sexual satisfaction.
Selecting the Right Medication as Sex Pill:

Choosing between tadalafil and sildenafil depends on individual preferences and needs. Both medications are effective in treating ED. Sildenafil may be the preferred option for those who value the rapid onset and do not require long-lasting effects. On the other hand, tadalafil may be more suitable for individuals who seek greater flexibility, spontaneity, and improved sexual confidence.


Tadalafil and sildenafil are two widely recognized medications for treating ED. While both drugs work effectively, tadalafil stands out for its longer duration of action and the ability to enhance sexual spontaneity. When considering which medication to use, individual preferences, the nature of one’s sexual activity, and any underlying medical conditions should all be taken into account. Consulting a healthcare provider is essential to make an informed decision and regain a fulfilling and satisfying sex life.